Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Mustafa Kemal (Ataturk) and the Modernization of Turkey

One if the most successful military leader was Mustafa Kemal. He successfully took a group of the nations nationalists and over through the ottoman sultan. He succeeded in reforming Turkey, making it more modernized, and more secular. Mustafa Kemal separated Islamic Laws from the Nation laws. He separated rules of religion from the laws of the country and in an attempt of modernizing Turkey and making it more European like. Mustafa also removed religious courts and made an english system like court (Like current day court). He allowed women to have rights such as voting and getting jobs that only men could acquire.

Kemal banished many old traditions as well. Government officials didn't go to work wearing their fez. (Kemal believed that the fez meant that you were living backwards) Instead they were going to work wearing suits and ties. He really wanted them to look more modernized and like European business men and workers. His influence was so strong they followed him and when he died they gave him the name " Ataturk" which meant father of the turks because of all he did for his country.

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