Thursday, April 29, 2010

Nelson Mandela and Apartheid

The Apartheid was a racial segregation policy which stated that white people were above everyone else and can vote, while on the other hand the "Bantu" which were everyone that is black mixed or Indian is not able to vote and were below everyone else. This system was almost the same as the one is the U.S, but there segregation lasted till the 1990's.

Nelson Mandela had a big impact on the people of South Africa. He fought for the independence of South Africa and his country is still healing from the Racism and Apartheid. Mandela was part of a group to enforce non-violence methods to get freedom and justice and to stop the Apartheid. He was in jail for 26 years. When he got out he wrote a book, and still continued to fight for his country and the people admired him for this and when elections came in 1991, he was elected over the other person with 61% of the votes.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

African Independence

Africa was one of the countries in the world that didn't have its independence. Filled with over 20 countries Africa was a very "hot" spot to control. The Europeans were the first to imperialize the continent so they had it for themselves. During 1955-1970, Africa were fighting for their independence. The French, Spanish, English had control over them took for a long time. During that time they just used Africa for their natural resources and labor.

Kenya was one of the countries to gain their independence. Kenya was a special country because of the fact that their president was in prison during the time. He was later elected President. His name was Jomo Kenyatta. He had leaded the Mau Mau's in order for him to "scare" the english away without any war.

The first country to gain its independence was Ghana. They were lead by Kwame Nkrumah. Kwame was a teacher who for a short period of time studied in the U.S. He came back to Ghana to help his people get more rights in their country. He winded up becoming the president of Ghana and gaining independence from the english.

Africa changed alot during all of this. They sucessfully gained all of their independence from European countries except for a selected few. Many of them got to change the name of their country to something more of their african culture and create a flag.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Film Lesson: "Schindler's List"

"Schindler's List" was another powerful and illustrative movie that greatly express the holocaust. The film managed to show everything from the transferring the Jews to the ghettos and the ending of the war. It showed how the sick and non working Jews were selected and what they did to the sick like poison their medicine or shoot them. Another thing showed was the hidden places where the Jewish kids hid like secret compartments in the ghettos and the sewers.

The part when they transferred the Jewish women to Auschwitz was one of my favorites most descriptive parts in the movie because the women were so excited to get out of the ghetto but then they get sent to the concentration camp. In Auschwitz they killed many people because of their age or if they tried to run away. The Germans knew all the hiding spots so there was really no hiding or escaping there.

Id say that "Schindler's List" was equally as powerful as "Night in the Fog" because they both showed sick and twisted parts in the holocaust.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Film Lesson: "The Right Stuff"

The movie " The Right Stuff " was a movie made in the 80's about the USSR and United States competition against each other non-violently. In the movie, they were competing on who could reach the speed of sound witched they called mach 1. and mach 2 ( which is 2x the speed of sound).

The film showed how the USSR launched their first satellite into space. The US heard about this and then they decided to choose 7 well experience pilots with college degrees to be the first astronauts. That's why the movie is called "The Right Stuff" because those pilots had the right stuff. The USSR was winning because they launched the first satellite into space but then the US was trying to put men on the moon. They were not successful at first because all the testing had failed, but in the end they succeeded in getting someone up there.

One of my favorite scenes was what they did during the competition were breaking the sound barrier and how it was a great achievement and when they did the rocket testing and how they failed and winded up exploding and crashed. Another scene was when they were training the people because it showed how determined they were to get there and how they were gonna beat the USSR.

Monday, April 12, 2010

NATO and The Warsaw Pact

The North Atlantic Treaty Organization, also known as The NATO pact was and intergovernmental joining of military forces in case of any foreign attacks. So for example lets say someone attacked the US, Canada would be able to back us up because Canada is apart of NATO like us. Since NATO was formed during the cold war to stop communism from spreading there was fear in Russia so they made an alliance like us.
The Warsaw pact is a similar treaty where the 8 communist countries in Europe signed a treaty where they will be there for each other in case of an attack from a foreign nation. This was made after the NATO was created to stop communism spreading.
The ones who created NATO were France, United States, United Kingdom, Canada, Portugal, Italy, Norway, Denmark, and Iceland The USSR and 8 other communist countries were the ones who created Warsaw.